Cookie Policy

Cookies and Purposes of Use

Cookies consist of information such as where and with which device you connect to our website, what content you view and how long you view that content. As Kenan Metal A.Ş., we collect and analyze this data and try to provide you with better services.

When you visit our website, this data is uploaded to your computer by the browser you use. Thus, the next time you visit our web page, you will be offered a more personalized service in line with your previous orientation through these cookies.

How Cookies are Used

Kenan Metal A.Ş.'s primary goal is to ensure your security. We use the cookies we collect from you to analyze the tendencies of our users, to improve Kenan Metal A.Ş. internet services in this direction and to provide you with a better quality and personalized service. This data we collect from you, our valued users, is anonymous data used for statistical purposes only.

Controlling Cookies

If you do not want to use this service, you can turn off cookie permissions in the settings section of your browser or get detailed information from the help tabs.

Google Analytics

As Kenan Metal A.Ş., we also benefit from Google Analytics services provided by Google Inc. We also use the activity reports issued by Google only to improve our services.

Google stores the data received from our website on its own behalf and reserves the right to share this data with third party organizations in the event that it is required to share this data with third party organizations due to mandatory legal regulations. For detailed information, please visit